6 min read

Understanding The Important Of Accessibility

Understanding The Important Of Accessibility
Project Leonardo — The Official Playstation 5 Accessibility Controller

In the world of technology, "accessibility," often shortened to "a11y" (because there are 11 letters between 'a' and 'y'), means making sure that everyone can use them easily, no matter how they move, see, or hear. It's like building ramps and elevators so that everyone can enter a building, but for the digital world. In simple words, it's about making phones, tablets, and apps friendly for everyone, so nobody feels left out. Let's take a closer look at why this matters and how it affects both the physical parts (like buttons and screens) and the programs (like apps) we use every day.

Why Accessibility Matters in Tech

Have you ever had trouble using a phone or app because of small buttons or confusing screens? That's where accessibility comes in and why it's important. Think about your favorite app having tiny buttons or hard-to-read words – accessibility makes sure everyone, no matter their abilities, can easily use and enjoy their devices and apps.

Now, let's break it down. When we talk about the physical parts, like buttons and screens, we mean making them easy to see, touch, and understand. This helps people who might find small details hard to see or have difficulty touching the screen just right.

On the other hand, with apps, accessibility means designing them so that anyone can understand and use them, no matter their abilities. It's like making a map that everyone can read, so everyone can get the same information and use the same features. Whether you're sending a message, playing a game, or checking the weather, accessibility makes sure these everyday activities are fun for everyone, no matter how they use their devices.

Exploring Common Accessibility Features in Everyday Tech

Now that we know why accessibility is important, let's look at some common features that make our everyday gadgets and apps easy for everyone to use. Whether it's your smartphone, tablet, or computer, these features make sure that technology works for lots of different people.

Think about features like voice commands that let you control your device by speaking, which is helpful for those who might find touchscreens tricky. Then there are screen readers, which read out loud what's on the screen, helping people who can't see well. For those who can't hear well, technologies like vibration alerts or flashing lights give different ways to know when something's happening.

Many devices also let you change text size and contrast, which helps people who might find small text hard to read or need more color difference. These small changes can make a big difference for people with different needs.

As we explore these features, we'll see how developers can help everyone use technology easily and have a good time doing it.

Accessibility for Web

Making websites easy for everyone involves some technical stuff. First, it's important to organize the website properly using the right codes. For example, using proper HTML tags like <h1> for headings and <p> for paragraphs makes it easier for tools like screen readers to understand and explain the content to people who can't see the screen.

Pictures on websites need descriptions too. It's like adding a small text, known as alt text, to tell people with screen readers what the picture is about. For instance:

<img src="example.jpg" alt="A beautiful sunset over the mountains">

This makes the website more understandable for those who can't see the images.

Web developers also use something called ARIA to make interactive things on the website better for everyone. It's like giving extra information to help those who use different tools to navigate the internet. For instance, making a button more accessible with ARIA attributes:

<button aria-label="Play" onclick="playVideo()">▶️</button>

Colors matter too. Websites should use colors that make text easy to read. This helps people who have trouble seeing certain colors or have a hard time with small text. For example, ensuring good color contrast:

body {
  background-color: #ffffff;
  color: #333333;

For moving around a website, it's crucial to make it work with just a keyboard. Some people can't use a mouse, so being able to move around with keys is super important. Using focus styles in CSS to highlight keyboard focus:

a:focus, button:focus {
  outline: 2px solid #007bff;

Developers can also need to check if their websites are accessible by using tools like screen readers and other things to make sure everything works for everyone. It's like testing to make sure the website is friendly for all kinds of people.

To see more examples and learn about web accessibility, you can check out the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) - Introduction to Web Accessibility for a comprehensive guide with practical examples. In short, making websites easy for everyone involves using the right codes, describing pictures, using ARIA, picking good colors, allowing keyboard use, and checking everything to make sure it works for everyone. That way, websites become friendly and useful for all people, no matter what they can or can't do.

Accessibility for Mobile Apps

When it comes to using phones and tablets, making apps that everyone can use is super important. Whether you have an Android phone or an iPhone, developers need to think about how to make apps that work well for everyone. Let's see how to do this in simple terms and with examples in both Kotlin (for Android) and Swift (for iPhone).

Making sure apps are easy for everyone involves some of the same ideas as websites. For example, developers need to make sure that the app has a clear and organized structure so that everyone, no matter how they use their phone, can understand and use it.

For Android, developers can use code like this to make a button more understandable for everyone:

val myButton: Button = findViewById(R.id.my_button)
myButton.contentDescription = "Play the video"
myButton.setOnClickListener { playVideo() }

This code sets a description for the button so that people who use special features on their phones can still know what the button does.

For iOS, developers can do something similar to make buttons accessible:

let myButton = UIButton()
myButton.accessibilityLabel = "Play the video"
myButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(playVideo), for: .touchUpInside)

Here, setting an accessibilityLabel helps people who use special features on their iPhones understand what the button is for.

Just like on the internet, choosing the right colors in apps is really important. Developers need to pick colors that make text easy to read for everyone, especially those who might have trouble seeing certain colors.

For more details on making apps easy for everyone, you can check out the Apple Developer Accessibility Guide for iOS apps and the Build Accessibility Apps for Android

Special Mention

Before we wrap up, I want to share something incredibly exciting in the accessibility world that I find truly awesome – Project Leonardo from Sony PlayStation. It's not just about controllers; it's about making gaming a cozy experience for everyone, especially those with different needs.

Picture this: a kit that adapts to exactly how you want to play. Want different buttons or stick caps? No problem. Need the control stick longer or shorter? You got it. And you can place the controller wherever suits you best – on a table, your lap, or attach it to special mounts.

What blew my mind is that you can use up to two controllers together, adding features like vibrations and special triggers. Connect extra buttons and switches to make it your perfect setup. And the cherry on top – you can have different setups for different games, up to 30 of them! Just press a button to switch between them.

But the real magic? You decide exactly what each button does. Want a button to do more than one thing? Absolutely! And if there's a button you don't want to use, you can turn it off.

Even the packaging is a win – easy to open with loops on both sides. It's made so that anyone, no matter their abilities, can open it with just one hand and not too much effort. It's these little things that show they've thought about every detail to make sure everyone can enjoy gaming.

Project Leonardo is more than just a gaming revolution; it's a big step toward making sure gaming is for everyone. Kudos to Sony Playstation for making gaming not just accessible but downright fun for all of us!

Wrap Up

Okay, let's sum it all up. We talked about making tech friendly for everyone, from websites to gaming. It's like giving everyone a fair shot in the digital world.

You've got the basics – making websites easy to understand, buttons that work for all, and colors that don't play hide and seek. Then there's the cool Project Leonardo from Sony PlayStation, making gaming comfy for everyone.

Remember, it's not just about features; it's about making tech a breeze for everyone. So, whether you're building websites or diving into games, let's keep it simple, keep it friendly. Because every little step in making tech easy is a big win for a world where everyone can join the fun. Cheers to tech without limits!