5 min read

Hide & Seek with Search Engine using Robots.txt

Hide & Seek with Search Engine using Robots.txt
Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash

When I was developing my personal blog, I was curious about how search engines like Google would crawl my site. What if I didn't want certain pages indexed? What if I didn't submit my site to Google Search Console? These questions sent me down a rabbit hole of discovery about the robots.txt file.

We know that our sites can appear on search engines like Google in two ways: either we submit them to the Search Console, or other websites link to us, creating a trail for those tireless search engine bots to follow. But even without our explicit permission, these bots are out there, tirelessly exploring and organizing the internet through links, sitemaps, and any accessible web page they can find.

What if a site doesn't want to be indexed?

If you're writing a novel, pouring your heart and soul into each chapter. You wouldn't want unfinished drafts or embarrassing early versions to pop up in search results before your masterpiece is ready, right? That's where robots.txt comes in. Think of it as a polite "Do Not Enter" sign for search engine bots, keeping your creative work hidden until you're ready to share it with the world. By adding a simple line like Disallow: /drafts/ to your robots.txt file, you can tell the bots to skip that entire directory, ensuring your literary gems remain under wraps until you're ready to unleash them on the world.

Why isn't the default the opposite?

It might seem strange that Google doesn't exclusively include websites that ask to be included. Why not make it "opt-in" instead of the current "opt-out" system? Well, the internet's core principle is openness and accessibility. Google wants to offer the most comprehensive search results possible, showcasing a diverse range of content. If it were opt-in, new websites would struggle to get noticed, and search results would become a stagnant echo chamber.

If only the biggest, most established websites were indexed. Smaller, niche websites with valuable information would be lost in the void. New voices and perspectives would struggle to appear. The internet, once have diverse of content, would become having less of content. That's why Google's open approach, though it might seem counterintuitive at first, it ultimately benefits everyone.

When was the robots.txt first introduced?

Now, let's rewind to 1994, the year dial-up internet was king, and floppy disks were still a thing. That's when the robots.txt file first entered the scene. It's like a friendly note placed at the root of your website, politely guiding those busy search engine bots. Think of it as a personal assistant for your website, politely whispering to search engine bots, 'Not this folder, please!'

Example code:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /private/
Disallow: /old-content/
Allow: /sitemap.xml

This simple code snippet tells all search engine bots (the "User-agent") to avoid the /private/ and /old-content/ directories, while still allowing access to the important sitemap.xml file. See? The robots.txt is surprisingly straightforward!

What happened before robots.txt?

Before this robots.txt existed, website owners had to get creative to control search engine crawlers. Meta tags with specific instructions, passwords protecting hidden sections, and even cleverly crafted URLs were all tactics employed in the wild west days of the internet. But it was a messy, inconsistent system, lacking a standardized way for website owners to communicate with search engines.

Imagine the chaos! One website might use a cryptic meta tag, another a password hidden in the source code, and a third might rely on a URL that only a decoder ring could decipher. It was a nightmare for both website owners and search engines. The robots.txt comes to solve the chaos, providing a clear and universal language for everyone to speak.

Why the .txt format?

Back then, complexity was a luxury. Text-based websites ruled the internet, and the humble .txt file was king. Why? Because it was like speaking in plain English – everyone understood it. No fancy software, no cryptic codes, just simple lines of text that anyone could read and edit. This made it perfect for robots.txt, a tool meant to be a universal translator between websites and search engine bots.

But what if robots.txt had been a fancy XML document, or a sleek JSON file? Those formats might be powerful and flexible, but back then, they were like speaking ancient symbol to a room full of toddlers. Only tech-savvy webmasters with advanced software could decipher them. For everyone else, it would be a confusing mess.

So, the humble .txt file stepped up to the plate. It was the bridge between the techy world of search engines and the everyday world of website owners. It was simple, accessible, and above all, it worked. It still does. Even today, in the age of fancy web frameworks and complex coding, the .txt file remains the go-to format for robots.txt, power of simplicity in a world that can get awfully complicated.

What if we use emoji?

Come on, this question is too creative not to explore! Instead of dry old code, we'd have "no way" signs ✋ to unwanted bots, and smiley faces pointing towards the good stuff like sitemaps . Sounds cute, right?

Well, this emoji paradise could quickly turn into a chaos. Just picture a bot mistaking a thumbs up for "crawl everything", or a winking face for "secret page, come peek!" The horror! Not to mention the cultural confusion. In some countries, a thumbs up is cool, in others, it's basically an insult.

Remember that friendly "Do Not Enter" sign for search engine bots? In emoji world, that might be a skull and crossbones ☠️, which, depending on the bot's mood, could be like throwing gasoline on a fire. No, thank you!

So, while emoji robots.txt files might be a hilarious thought experiment, let's stick to good old-fashioned text for now. It might not be as flashy, but at least it's a universal language that all search engine bots can understand. And who knows, maybe someday we'll have a fancy new format that's both powerful and easy to use, Until then, keep your emojis for your social media posts and let robots.txt stay nice and clear.


So, there you have it! Robots.txt, the hero of website control, quietly working behind the scenes to keep your precious pages hidden from unwanted eyes. It may not be the flashiest tool in the webmaster's toolbox, but its simple code speaks a universal language that search engine bots understand.

And remember, robots.txt isn't just about hiding things. It can also help you be a good website citizen, guiding search engines to the most important parts of your site like sitemaps and fresh content. It's a win-win for everyone, making sure your website shines in the best possible light. Now go forth and unleash your website on the world, with a little help from your friendly neighborhood robots.txt!