
Hey there! I'm Reyhan, a tech enthusiast, and this blog is like my tech journal. I'm based in Jakarta, Indonesia, and I'm excited to share my tech discoveries and the journey of improvement with you.

My tech adventure began in 2017 as a web developer. As I explored more, I dived into Android and backend work, officially becoming an Android developer in 2019. Currently, I'm with the awesome team at Gravel Indonesia.

This blog is where I break down tech stuff in a simple way. No complex jargon, just stories about how I make things work. I mainly write code in Kotlin for Android, and I'll share what I'm learning about it.

So, what's this blog all about? The tagline says it best: "A self journey of discovery and growth, mostly about tech, shared with the world." It's like my tech adventure diary.

I'll chat about the ins and outs of coding, making apps work better, and cool things I discover along the way. No worries, you'll find easy-to-understand tech talk here, just simple stories about my journey in the tech world.

Why am I doing this? Because I love learning, and I want to share what I figure out. Maybe it'll help you on your tech journey too. So, whether you're into tech or just curious, join me in this simple tech adventure. Let's learn and grow together!

Thanks for hanging out here!